HydroLush Vertical Hydroponic GrowTube Technology
Flexible grow sites - install on balconies, rooftops or any outdoor vertical surface. GrowTubes are light, durable and can be easily suspended vertically from overhead racks, fixed to vertical supports such as walls, or joined in a free-standing array. With a Vertical Hydroponic GrowTube System from HydroLush, places that were once not feasible become useful garden sites. Multiple flat faces on the tube allow mounting in any direction to take advantage of natural sunlight.
Efficient use of inputs: Less energy and less water (up to 85% savings on water). Our GrowTubes feature a concave planting face and splash guards that helps channel water flow and minimize solution leakage. End caps enclose the grow chamber and connect the GrowTube™ to the system plumbing.
Better control of root zone temperature, drainage and oxygen levels - enclosed air columns of each side of the grow media allow roots to breath, provide even nutrient exchange and minimize anaerobic areas in the grow media. The enclosed design allows the root zone to remain aerated and functioning efficiently even during excessive rainfall.
Our proprietary GrowTube design has an internal fiber pocket that allows insertion of continuous grow media strips - strips slide quickly into the tube and allow you to conveniently change and maintain the grow chamber for general cleaning or a change of crop;
GrowTubes systems are durable, light and easy to maintain - less expensive than any other hydroponic systems.
GrowTubes use natural coconut coir growing media. It is a naturally evolved grow media that is perfect of many types of crops. It is readily available, reusable, eco-friendly and creates no waste upon disposal.
The HydroLush Vertical Hydroponic GrowTube Design has several special features not available on competing systems:
Proprietary Tube Design Creates a Grow Media Pocket - strips quickly slide into the tube and allow you to conveniently change and maintain the grow chamber during general cleaning or a change of crop;
Enclosed Air Columns on Each Side of the Grow Media - allow roots to breath, provide even nutrient exchange and minimize anaerobic areas in the grow media;
Concave Planting Face with Splash Guards - helps direct water flow and minimize nutrient solution leakage;
Multiple Mounting Faces- tubes can be suspended vertically from overhead racks, fixed to vertical supports such as walls, or joined in a free-standing array;
Removable End Caps and Drainage Fittings - connect the GrowTubes and ensure proper water flow.
Looking Closer
HydroLush Vertical Hydroponic GrowTubes are specially designed for use with vertically installed hydroponic systems. These can be used in many different configurations of hydroponic / aeroponic garden systems that also include; nutrient solution reservoir tanks; a pump for circulating the nutrient solution through the system; and a plumbing network of various pipes, hoses, spray nozzles and plumbing fittings as required to contain and direct the nutrient solution flow through the system. HydroLush GrowTubes are compact, self-enclosed, growing enclosures that can be installed on existing surfaces or installed from dedicated supports. Please check the information below for a complete explanation of HydroLush's proprietary design and the benefits these innovations offer.
HydroLush Vertical GrowTubes are manufactured from PVC and have a profile size of approximately 10cm to 12cm. The tubes are available in standard 1.3 meter lengths. Other customs lengths are possible depending on quantities, the mounting space available and the power of the nutrient delivery. In most installations, the tubes are fitted top and bottom with a cap and hose fittings that connect the tube to the plumbing system of the installation.
HydroLush Vertical GrowTubes reduce the required system footprint as compared to a system using traditional plant cultivation techniques. A hydroponic system using HydroLush Vertical Hydroponic GrowTubes combines the advantages hydroponic NFT and aeroponic misting techniques and reduces or eliminates many of the drawbacks of current DWC and NFT systems. The grower gains flexibility to use a combination of cultivation techniques to maximize yields per given crop and time frame.
The GrowTube profile includes a front planting face, a back mounting face and angular side faces. The front planting face is designed as a concave surface with a series of round or oblong planting ports cut at intervals along in planting face. These planting ports allow the insertion of plants into the grow media housed in the tube. Required spacing for plants on the planting face is variable dependent on plant type and maintenance requirements. Ridges on either side of the grow face act as splash guards to help prevent errant nutrient solution leaking from the planting ports.
Narrow slots on either side of the planting face are used to secure a vapor barrier hood that can be fitted over the planting face to shield new plants during the incubation and rooting period.
The GrowTube is partitioned internally three cavities – a central cavity that holds the grow media strips which will anchor plant roots, and air column cavities on either side of the grow media that will provide root zone aeration and humidity protection.
A variety of grow media materials can be fitted into the GrowTubes including coconut coir, synthetic wool, etc. Internal barrier walls insure that the grow media will be held in place if the grow tube is moved or placed in positions other than vertical position.
Air columns on either side of the grow media ensure that plant roots receive adequate aeration and humidity. These columns act as aeration zones that allow the plant roots to breathe and aerate as they grow. High humidity and aeration is maintained inside the grow tube due to the constant flow of nutrient solution through the grow media.
A emitter or dripper is fixed centrally above the grow media column that will emit nutrient solution evenly over the width of the grow media.
Installed vertically, the system utilizes gravity to channel any nutrient solution introduced into the tube and back to the drainage plumbing of the system. Plants are inserted into the planting ports and nutrient solution is circulated through the system. Nutrient solution trickles down through the grow tube, over the plant roots; providing required nutrients the roots of the resident plants.
As the plants mature, roots grow out of the grow media and into the air columns. In some installations, spray, emitter or misting nozzles are installed into the side faces of the grow tube at various locations along the vertical length. These are used to emit nutrient solution on to the exposed roots. Runoff nutrient solution is channeled through the grow tube and back to the drainage plumbing of the system.
HydroLush Vertical GrowTube systems help eliminate some of the problems common to horizontal NFT systems. The flow channels in horizontal systems may become restricted or blocked by root mass. A vertical flow path for nutrient solution work to minimize the damming effects of root growth in the tube and allow nutrient solution to pass through the grow tube relatively unobstructed. The internal structure in the GrowTubes further insures that any biological material is washed through the grow tube without restricting nutrient solution flow to other parts of the tube. This prevents anaerobic areas forming in the tube around the root zone of the resident plants.
HydroLush Vertical Hydroponic GrowTube Systems help eliminate many of the problems common to horizontal NFT systems.
- A Vertical Flow Path Eliminates the Damming Effects of Root Growth in the GrowTube and allows the nutrient solution to flush any old biological material from the media without restricting nutrient solution flow to other parts of the GrowTube™. This prevents anaerobic areas forming in the GrowTube around the root zone of the resident plants.
- The GrowTube Housing is Designed to Minimize Nutrient Solution Leakage from the system using a Concave Planting Face with Splash Guards. The planting face is formed concave to the interior of the tube to direct nutrient solution to the internal cavity of the tube. The splash guards on the side of the planting face are raised sufficient height to direct any nutrient solution that escapes from the tube along the exterior length of the tube and back to the drainage plumbing installed at the bottom.
- The GrowTube Fiber Pocket Design with Enclosed Air Columns on Each Side of the Grow Media Allows Roots to Breath, Provides Even Nutrient Exchange and Minimizes Anaerobic Areas in the grow media. Regardless of weather, the enclosed tube with air columns allows the root zone to breathe, exchange nutrients and dissipate heat. This improves growth in hot weather (35 degree C) and during heavy rains (typhoons).
- Convenient to install, easy to take down and easy to transport. The crop can be moved to different locations for grow out, preparation or sale while allowing the grower to continue supplying nutrient solution to the resident plants. Crops do not need to be harvested and shipped to point of sale or preparation. This flexibility allows the grower to provide consumers with the experience of picking and harvesting vegetables, herbs and greens that are still on the vine.